Wednesday 21 January 2015

Done it!!!

Finally, after days of contemplating and thinking, worrying, back and forth changing my decision, I FINALLY sent the application for the part time writer's job. Just now! Like a few seconds ago...oh man! This is so nerve wrecking...was reading the book yesterday and as i was reading it, i know if you are scared to try and fail, you are not going to go anywhere or achieve anything. Rejection is a myth because it is something that we have in our heads. This was explained something like this.. For example, you applied to harvard but you didnt get in, so you are still in the same place as you were before which is not in harvard so you didnt lose anything. It is just that you didnt gain harvard (not yet at least!) so what do you do? TRY AGAIN!!! But what if you applied and you got it, that is good right but you wouldn't know until you do! So bottom line is just ask and apply and see how it goes. Things didnt go the way you want them to go, try again (and again and again and again.. You get the drift!)

Ok, now I will be nervous waiting for the reply (meaning wanting to check the email but scared to know the outcome) but going to try to stay calm. Positive thoughts!!!!!

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